Motion control focus system

Dragonframe Focus control system.
This week I have been testing some of my home build motion control goodies. These have been designed for making stop motion animation using Dragonframe software as the interface. I have programmed the controller and finally got the forth axis to work. Wow what a pain that had been, lots of head scratching. It’s now time to begin testing the rig. So far so good. I plan to do some extensive tests and run the rigs for a few days continuously in order to give them a really good shake down. I want to check for any over heating of odd behaviour first. I need these thing to be solid and consistent before taking them on set for a little real world testing. However I must admit them seem to running well, so far so! goodÂ
I like how you can chose a colour in Dragonframe for each channel. So this is something I really wanted to do for the cables of each of my systems axis. Each will have its own colour to help trace issues quickly on set and to keep rig/de-rig a little easier. I also went hunting for some cool looking red anodised thumb nuts as I had it in my head that I wanted a little red in there for some reason.